Novelist Calixthe Beyala shakes up the Cameroonian political scene. the social critic expresses a widely shared sentiment: Cameroonians appreciate Paul Biya but unanimously wish for his departure in 2025, after 70 years in the corridors of power.
. After 42 years of Biya’s catastrophic presidency, Cameroon is suffocating under the weight of bad governance that has become mired in routine.
Beyala’s voice resonates as a warning: no electoral “alchemy” could justify a Biya victory against any candidate in 2025. The elections management body called Elecam is RDPC – Biya, the Constitutional council RDPC – Biya making the electoral terrain impracticable for any other candidate. This reflection raises the question of the credibility of a potential new mandate for the outgoing president.
This stance by the Cameroonian intellectual reflects a widespread weariness expressed by the Catholic bishops, civil society actors.
Cameroun: Paul Biya MUST GO in 2025