Saboteurs have until September to destroy themselves completely

Dear Comrade President,

I received the audio you sent out and was heartbroken. By the time I had a call with Comrade Uchiba Achonduh Nelson, I received the wisdom in your message; these saboteurs have until September to destroy themselves completely. You have been generous towards OUR adversaries and nobody will or can accuse you of high-handedness. The #blackmailing_saboteurs have nothing to show against you. If they had, they would have exposed it already, seeing that they so desperately want you out of the way and to ruin the struggle. Now, it is too late for them to fabricate any secrets. If indeed you were a traitor to the cause, those who knew it and kept it away from the people are traitors themselves. Like Chris ANU, “Mr I Brought the Deal”, these detractors have more than demonstrated their sustained evil intent. Your people are with you and we will NOT allow you to throw in the towel because of senseless blackmailers.

This is still a God-ordained struggle and Him alone we should trust. Liberty and freedom are won for the many by a few and never by many for the few. By September, these detractors and saboteurs would have destroyed themselves and it will be time to let them go UNLESS, they convince us beyond doubt that they are truly repentant and are still with us. Is that possible? I doubt. Trust me, Sir, even after this new batch of saboteurs goes down, many more will be fabricated but we shall, by God’s power, crush all of them until we get to Buea.

September deadline!

Speak now or Resign

More grace, Sir, and may you increase in wisdom always

Saboteurs have until September to destroy themselves completely

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