The moment we have been waiting for, Ambazonia sovereignty is fast approaching. Whether you believe in prophesies or not, several predictions have all pointed to the fact that Ambazonia’s actualization is no longer whether it is possible, but how soon it is going to happen.
#BueaIsReal! Should I be blamed for being too cocksure? Nonetheless, I am also not oblivious that I read The Way The Cookie Crumbles by James Hadley Chase.
Remember, Biya & his co-travellers gave themselves two weeks to crush the Ambazonian State Army (ASA). Today, 99.99% of Camerounais(e)s are regretting that is was a huge mistake to have gone to war. Secondly, a certain stark illiterate who also doubles as an ex-convict of Ambazonian extraction, misled them into declaring war in the first place. Pseudo-strategist Professor Owona Nguini Mathias Eric et al were on the print & electronic media, boasting that they have the capacity to sustain the war for the next 50 years. Here we are 8 years into the war. Their economy is completely down. They can’t pay their internal depts. They barely struggle to pay civil servants. Their major towns like Yaoundé, Douala, etc. are the dirtiest on this planet, called earth. Who can deny the fact that they haven’t lost the war? They have not just lost the war; they have also lost our love and trust as we could have been good neighbours – no way. We will live side-by-side – just like hyenas are no friends with tigers. No matter how Godly you are, you can’t be friendly with your enemy!
Going forward, the Sako Administration should start a training programme (if they have not yet done so) for the Ambazonian Immigration Police Department (AIPD) on how to secure and man our borders. The AIPD should be trained to be skilful in detecting citizens of La République du Cameroun who would be running away from the imminent chaos in their country to seek refuge in Ambazonia. They did so in the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s when the French were killing them; some were beheaded and their chopped heads placed at junctions in major cities in their country. Also, the AIPD should be able to detect those Ambazonians who worked hand in glove with La République du Cameroun to foil the quest for the actualisation of our sovereign independence. This group of people includes coup plotters, blacklegs, 5th columnists, saboteurs, etc. You can’t eat food which you prevented it from being cooked.
It’s being long sufferings: losing of loved ones; our homes/villages burnt; hundred of thousands, if not millions as refugees, scartered and suffering all over the world, especially in Cameroun & Nigeria; our brothers and sisters thrown into Cameroun colonial prisons, etc. In fact, over 70,000 Ambazonians killed. It will be difficult to forgive these people, talk less of forgetting horrendous crimes which La République du Cameroun’s army has committed against Ambazonia and Ambazonians. But as it recorded in human history that, there can be no freedom, without blood being poured, to water the tree of liberty.
What else can I say?
Ambazonians: Have The Chicken Finally Come Home To Roost?