Cameroon: The urgency of an audit on the management of institutional support from the State to the privately-owned press.

Ministry of Communication:

The urgency of an audit on the management of the State’s institutional support for the privately-owned press.

Following the confusion and opacity that once too often surrounded the management of this kitty, in January 2025, made available to Cameroonian press companies by the Head of State, Paul Biya, the Network of Cameroonian Press Bosses (REPAC) decided to once again take to the net, to denounce with the utmost energy the distribution grid deemed anachronistic and convoluted of this public funding, yet intended for the private press, established a few years ago by the current Minister of Communication, René Emmanuel Sadi.

Hence the categorical imperative for the competent services of the Higher State Control to carry out an audit on the management of this kitty, in order to see clearly on this operation of management of public funds, in view of the multiple irregularities observed, as well as the recurring complaints from several Directors of publication.

The height of this opacity is that, since practically 2021, the lists of the various beneficiaries of this support, along with the amounts, are no longer displayed by the Minister of Communication, René Emmanuel Sadi, in violation of article 18 of decree No. 031/MINCOM of April 13, 2020.

Very furious, a press boss cracks: “It is unacceptable that out of an envelope of 140 million FCFA, for this year 2024, to be distributed between 51 press organs selected by the Commission, out of the 65 applications submitted, of which 14 were rejected; we end up with organs receiving 500,000 FCFA, 700,000 FCFA, or even 1,000,000 FCFA and 1,200,000 FCFA. Where did the rest of this money go? We must shed light on this affair. We must demand accountability from the Minister of Communication. Especially in this pivotal year, with the presidential election looming on the horizon.”

The rest of this file, in our next publications.

Samuel Bondjock, DP DIRECT INFO

Cameroon: The urgency of an audit on the management of institutional support from the State to the privately-owned press.

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