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Russia proposes the United Nations install an international day to fight against Colonisation.

Russia proposes the United Nations install an international day to fight against Colonisation. UNITED NATIONS   Russia proposes to the UN to establish an “International Day of Struggle against Colonialism”. Russia has submitted a proposal to the UN to make December 14 the “International Day of Struggle against Colonialism”, announced Sergei Lavrov, Russian Minister of…

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Échecs du gouvernement de Paul Biya pendant 43 ans.

Absence d’alternance politique : plus de 40 ans au pouvoir sans transition démocratique. Répression et restrictions des libertés : opposition muselée et élections contestées. Crise anglophone non résolue : guerre civile dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest. Montée de l’insécurité : attaques de Boko Haram et criminalité en hausse. Économie en difficulté :…

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Dr Fomunyoh suggests governance model for post-Biya era.

Cameroon’s US-based good governance champion and democratisation expert, Dr Christopher Fomunyoh, has suggested the blueprint of what he says the country’s next Head of State needs in order to clean the mess of the current regime. The Senior Associate and Regional Director for West and Central Africa at the National Democratic Institute, NDI, recently proposed…

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