In a devastating incident, a violent fire outbreak ravaged the Dakar market in Douala, Cameroon’s economic capital, leaving traders and residents in deep distress. The fire, which occurred during the night of December 19, 2024, reduced several shops to ashes and caused significant economic losses.
The Incident
The fire broke out in the Dakar market, one of Douala’s bustling commercial hubs. Initial analyses suggest that the fire was caused by an electrical fault, exacerbated by frequent power cuts and voltage fluctuations in the area. These electrical issues have become commonplace in the districts of Dakar, Brazzaville, Oyack, and Combi, leading to repeated damage to equipment and infrastructure.
Community Reaction
The aftermath of the fire has left the community in a state of desolation. Traders who lost their shops and goods are facing an uncertain future. One affected trader lamented, “I lost everything, my goods and my investment of several years went up in smoke.” The scene at the market is one of devastation, with mountains of charred debris bearing witness to the extent of the damage.
Blame on the Electricity Supplier
Residents and traders have blamed ENEO, Cameroon’s main electricity supplier, for negligence and argue that the poor quality of electricity service is directly responsible for the tragedy. A resident of the Brazzaville district expressed frustration, saying, “This is not the first time that a fire has broken out in our markets. As long as ENEO does not react, we will remain exposed to this type of disaster.”
Calls for Action
The fire has highlighted the fragility of the electricity network in these districts and the urgent need for intervention. Residents are calling for the modernization of the infrastructure to reduce the risk of fires linked to electrical fluctuations. Traders also advocate for installing prevention systems, such as fire extinguishers and pumps, to limit damage during such disasters.
Douala: Fire Outbreak Ravages Market, Impacting Traders