Perpetua and Fonki are exploitative, greedy and self-serving

At last, Fonki and Perpetua have shamefully vacated the Moderator’s official residence, (despite Fonki’s triumphant public pronouncements to pack out by the 30th of November), making the short walk to their new residence in their new residence, still in the Synod compound. It has gone on record that Fonki Samuel, immediate outgone Moderator, is the only Moderator who leaves office and takes up residence in the Synod office. Whatever his motives are is left for critical minds in the PCC to analyze, condemn and repudiate.

Public opinion strongly believes that Fonki is still the back seat driver of the policies and management of the PCC, and the new Moderator appears to be too weak and malleable to stand up to him. This is evident in the appointment of members of Synod Committee Executive, all of whom are Fonki loyalists. For the first time in the history of Synod elections, an outgoing Moderator was the one who appointed and presented members of Synod Executive Committee to the general assembly. The incoming Moderator simply watched in astonishment. In 2014 and 2019 elections, Fonki, as incoming Moderator, appointed and presented members of the Exco, ten years later, he did same. Incredible.

Weeks before handing over, he appointed and made transfers, ensuring that his loyalists are properly placed, making it harder for his successor to operate and function.

Reports reaching our newsroom indicates that Fonki has threatened and bullied Rt. Rev. Miki Hans to accept Rev. Ajime Nelson as his personal assistant and Scholarship Secretary. Sadly, and disappointingly, Miki Hans has submitted to Fonki’s pressure, thus casting a big slur on Miki’s leadership credentials. As we write, Ajime Nelson has been served his re-appointment letter.

This is the same Ajime, who was in charge of bullying, insulting, intimidating and using inappropriate language to attack credible Pastors and Christians under the false name “Ajang,” all in a desperate bid to redeem and restore Fonki’s bruised and battered reputation.

Under Fonki’s tenure and with his explicit approval, the PCC published a document titled “Code of Conduct and Ethics for Pastors.” The document clearly forbids pastors on transfer or retirement to destroy or come back to harvest crops planted while they occupied the parish and or Moderator’s residence.

But embarrassingly, Fonki and Perpetua harvested all cocoyams they planted. Worst still, they destroyed all others crops not ready for harvest.

Now, think about it! Fonki is supposed to be the pastor of Pastors, and Perpetua the leader of all PCC Pastors’ wives, yet they chose to behave in such a shameful and disgraceful manner. What was wrong to leave those crops for Mrs Vivian Miki? Eye witnesses say that they destroyed even flowers and flower beds, arguing that it was their personal property.

Even more appalling is the fact that Fonki and Perpetua left the Moderator’s residence in a disgraceful in-hygienic condition. For someone who appears in public neat and tidy, the filthy state of the house he vacated couldn’t have been more telling of his true character and personality.

What is even more laughable is the fact that their new home in the Synod compound cannot accommodate their properties, underscoring yet again, how greedy, exploitative and self-serving Fonki and Perpetua are.

The PCC will live to regret how she allowed a mean, wicked, deceptive and acquisitive person like Fonki to become Moderator. It will take decades for the church to fix and repair what he has spoiled and destroyed.

Miki Hans will have to borrow the courage and boldness of Donald Trump in order to assert himself. Bold decisions will have to be made, and made quicker. All of Fonki’s KPs will have to go, as well as Fonk’s banker and official spokesperson. Otherwise, the public will have no faith and trust in Miki.

The public is watching and waiting


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