Sources reveal that Akere Muna has turned down the opportunity to assist Biya’s defence team in preparing Cameroon’s defence at the International Criminal Court, amid allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Southern Cameroons Ambazonia. Muna cited human rights abuses as his justification.

Acceptance would have been the greatest mockery to his personality, which is already much tarnished especially as the plight of the Southern Cameroonians – Ambazonians is concerned since 1961. He has seen the exercise’s futility and there is certainly fire on the mountain. For how could Akere Muna of all throw the first stone, against his kith and kin, and as Chinua Achebe says; “no single man can win a war against the clan” The Southern Cameroonians – Ambazonians are fighting a just war after over 60 years in bondage under French Cameroon and are being murdered in self-defense in their God-given territory.  

The rogue regime in Yaounde of the Republic of Cameroon has been summoned equally at the ICC for crimes against humanity committed by the regime against Southern Cameroonians – Ambazonians who have suffered under the Yaounde repressive regime for over six decades and on whom the genocidal 93-year-old dictator Paul Biya declared a senseless war in 2017 that has claimed close to 60.000 innocent lives, burnt hundreds of villages, homes, and properties, sent more than a million into exile as refugees in neighboring countries like Nigeria, Ghana, others going across the oceans to the United States of America, Europe and thousands languishing in jails across the Cameroons. It is the cry of these peace-loving justice-seeking people of the Southern Cameroons – Ambazonia that on taking office this January 20, 2025, President Donald Trump being a god-fearing leader should tackle the plight of these people who have suffered in bondage for 64 years and free them from bondage.


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