The verdict of Lucas Ayaba Cho, in court today, is finally known, HEADS TO ROLL

If this report is true, Capo Daniel, Asu Lucas, etc will surely be picked up in the days & months ahead. We hope Norway will go a step further and arrest Camerounais officials who were working with Ayaba et al to give a bad name to the Ambazonian journey to Buea

When people operate atrociously in Cameroun, they are made to believe that they are covered and protected even in international circles. I wish Ayaba would have known that Cameroun has limitations and obligations within the same international circles. Ayaba is now not free in Cameroun, Norway, and the world. He has made more enemies than friends and might have no friends absolutely because of incrimination and recrimination. The family of Effang must be cursing and swearing that Ayaba groomed and pimped the monster general. The list must be growing very long and his collaborators in high places in Yaounde who have now become exigent converts are praying, fasting, and fanatically seeking God’s intervention to turn the tides. Who told them that they have control over God and can order Him around? God must be watching and laughing at these helpless Cameroun clowns.

How can we explain the fact that Ayaba frequently visited La Republique du Cameroun Lrc if he was being sought after? He had a six-floor building being erected in Bonaberi. How can a rebel leader as he claims to be, invest in the enemy’s camp?

Lrc trembles at the mere mention of Dr Sako’s name but pretends to make him irrelevant. They vested their hopes on Ayaba Cho Judas to destabilize the freedom quest and invested in the ADF to bring down the Ambazonian struggle. Ayaba Cho’s arrest orchestrated by Lrc is in retaliation for the latter’s inability to deliver the promises he made. ADF tried in vain, through kidnappings and murderous acts to turn the population against the genuine freedom fighters to no avail. The incidences in Guzang and in Mezam County are a pointer.

The ADF’s atrocities to the people are exhaustive. Ayaba Cho extorted money from the population through a fictitious “war tax” scheme and fed fat on the sweat of innocent people. Adf guns kill only Ambazonians including top generals of the Ambazonian State Army. Dr. Sako remains the only true leader who has turned down numerous baits of huge sums of money to betray the Ambazonian cause and sell his people into perpetual poverty and slavery.

Lrc knows that he has the trump card. His calls for lockdowns are obeyed to the letter, and his fundraising schemes churn out colossal sums of money to fund the struggle, sending shock waves through the Lrc oligarchy.

No one can deny that Dr. Sako Samuel Ikome from Mokunda village in Fako county is the man of the people. Except of course Lrc and paid saboteurs, who after all are failing and failing woefully.

“It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills.” Adrian Rogers

Long live Dr.SAKO, the new Joshua of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia

The verdict of Lucas Ayaba Cho, in court today, is finally known, HEADS TO ROLL

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