You will know the Truth and the truth will set you free Jn. 8:32
Douala, December18, 2024
Wake-up call to all PCC Christians
Imagine a weird zombie ball game played by a handful of humanoids in black jerseys. They seem to be having great fun scoring imaginary goals and celebrating victory before the end of the match, because the referee, who is also their team manager, bends all the rules in their favour.
The name of that team is the KPCLUB. The ball they are kicking about is nothing else but our Church, the PCC, with its Constitution as the goal post which they keep shifting about at their own convenience.
And all we do is sit and watch, Impotent, bewildered, and agape, chanting prayers for God to take care.
As a Church, we are behaving exactly like a helpless woman under the vicious grip of an overpowering rapist. Instead of struggling to push him off her, she is wiggling to maximize the pleasure for the brute. In fact, she even gives the impression of enjoying being raped.
The image is misdemeaning, right? But it is undeniably pertinent For ten years we, Christians, seemingly in our right minds, have sat on our haunches and watched, as if in some form of trance, while balustering fascist and his sworn coterie of corrupt cultists have hijacked our electoral process and made total nonsense of our time-honored institutions.
Itallbringsbackasecondaryschoolscenariowhereamischievousstudentdoessomeoutrageousthing like farting aloud or turning off the light, and knowing that other students can do nothing but dismiss him as crazy, he tells them to “grumble and stay”.
- WhenFonkidesecratedtheSynodofficebylyinghiswayintothepositionofModerator,thePCC did nothing but grumble and stay.
- While he terrified pastors with punitive transfers and instituted faction alhate among them, the PCC did nothing but grumble and stay.
- While he perpetrated the most outrageous abuses of the Church’s Power of Attorney, the PCC did nothing but grumble and stay.
- Whilehetinkeredandpanel-beattheConstitutiontosuithimselfandpenalizehisrivals, the PCC did nothing but grumble and stay.
- While he messed up our electoral system and cowed pastors into electing candidates of his choice, including practically appointing his own successor, the PCC did nothing but grumble and
- While he squandered Church money on endless long and lavish foreign travels, even as many Church institutions wen tbankrupt and workers went for months without pay, the PCC did nothing but grumble and stay.
- While, having sent himself off many months ago, he continues to make major appointments which ought to be the prerogative of his successor, the PCC still does nothing but grumble and stay.
- In the wake of the most opaque and controversial financial stewardship in its entire history, the PCC has continued to do nothing but grumble and stay.
A church that grumbles and stays (doing nothing) while its cardinal principles are being trodden underfoot is no longer a Church. Our Church was built on the Lutheran foundation of defiance against papal authoritarianism.If we no longer find it worth fighting for in the same spirit, then maybe we should dissolve it.
Truth House is categorical in its refusal to grumble and stay. There is no allowing Fonki and his band of fascists and cultists to pu tour Church back under the kind of yoke Luther led the Protestant Church away.
We know that many Christians just want to worship their God quietly, doing what they are told without questioning and believing in the pastor as the vicar of Christ. But the excesses of the outgoing administration have proven the adage that “the robe does not make the monk”. PCC Christians have learned firsthand that not everyone in a clerical collar is pastor material. And that has brought us to the point where we have to review our pulpit-pew relationship. We are NOT an Episcopalian church. Every Presbyterian has a say in how the business of this Church is conducted. All our groups and movements must make this education their duty henceforth.
THandalltrueandcommittedPresbyteriansarepoisedtofightforthesouloftheirChurch.Prayers and wishful thinking won’t do. It’s action time.
In that light, Truth House invites all bona fide PCC Christians and congregations to wake up from their stupor and gird their loins.
This call also goes to all pastors, including the misled, if they still envisage a career in the new PCC.
- We all know that staffing in the PCC is done in the month of May, not December. We now know that the reason Rev. Fonki left the Presbyterial Secretaries out of the last May staff movements was because he wanted to use their appointments to reward those who would have done his dirty work during the just-ended elections. That is what he just did by the most recent
Truth House unequivocally condemns such unprecedented manipulations. We there fore invite Presbyterians in all their movements and congregations to outrightly reject those appointments, and to urge the new Moderator and Synod Clerk to do fresh ones after their induction in January.
- It is now common knowledge that Rev.Fonki has created an NGO known as, whose objective is to source funding for Church projects. He reportedly intends to install himself as the CEO of this NGO with headquarters in the Synod Office precinct. This is unacceptable for the following reasons:
- The Church itself, as a Faith-Based Organisation, has the status of a more credible NGO and can source funding without passing through some other substructure.
- The PCC once had a Project Office headed by Denis Kumbo, and it was in Fonki’s term of office that it was shut down for reasons he kept secret so far. Was it that Kumbo did not lend himself to his boss’s shady deals?
- We have all seen what is happening to a sister Church because they allowed an individual to privatise the procurement and use of project funds for too long and he eventually became too rich, powerful and untouchable. We cannot afford to walk into the same trap with our eyes wide open.
- ItisanopensecretthatthePCC’sfundingpartnershavebeencomplainingabouttheFonki administration’shostilitywheneveraskedtogiveaccountfordonatedfunds.Thatmakes him a liability rather than an asset as far as our prospective funding partners are
- Westillhavetoaudithimandmembersofhisadministrationtodeterminethesourceof their sudden sprawling wealth, and until that is done, his financial stewardship remains
- As outgoing Synod Clerk and incoming Moderator, Rev.Miki’ssilence and perceived docility in the face of all the foregoing raise very serious questions about his personality and especially about his ability and willingness to clean up the mess the Fonki regime has made.
Itisunderstandableifheiskeepingquietjusttosmoothoutthetransitionbut, come January, he will have to step up and break any eggs he needs to break to make the new omelet – the first being the annulment of the recent appointments.ThatwillcertainlyignitetensionswiththeKPs and their Grand Master, but he will have to choose between pleasing them and serving the Church. In any case, if he makes the right choice, he must know all true Presbyterians have his back.
- Miki and his predecessor, namely their joint travels abroad since the election. It is all the more troubling, given that for the five years they have been together as Moderator and Synod Clerk, Rev. Fonki did almost all of the extensive travels alone, including for activities that are clearly under the Synod Clerk’s ambit as Chief of Staff. Add to this the well-established intelligence TH had, that Fonki had laid down plans to torpedo Miki’s bid to replace him as Moderator.
As they travel together for whatever purpose, Truth House warns Rev. Miki to stay clear of anything that commits him or the Church without the approval of the relevant institutions. Our foreign partners will have to be informed about who to deal with in the name of the PCC, and how.
- WehaveseensurreptitiousinvitationstoaceremonyforthetransferofthePowerofAttorneyto theModeratorelectsometimethisweek.ThisisanotherinstanceofFonki’sdisrespectforChurch institutions and procedure. A power of attorney is transferred to a new Moderator upon or after induction, not before. As far as TH is concerned, that ceremony is a nullity and should be canceled. Anyone participating in it is aiding and abetting one of the many abuses which now make it necessary for the Church to reconsider the whole notion of Power of Attorney.
May the Spirit of God, our Father and owner of the Church, lead us as we seek to restore sanctity in the PCC, and may this season of the birth of our Lord unite as we strive to serve him in Spirit and in truth.
MerryChristmas and blessings
Sincerely yours Truth House
TRUTH HOUSE: QUIT GRUMBLING AND ACT, Wake-up call to all PCC Christians